May 03, 2017
- Dealer has ALEX Millennium running on a network
- Dealer is attempting to upload a database from a client machine and receives the message “database is too old”
- Dealer is not able to upload the database from their server (i.e. .NET 4.5.2 is missing and the install during ALEX Pro is requiring a reboot of the server. Dealer cannot re-start the server in the middle of the day.)
- Open ALEX, perform database back to the client machine. Note the path the backup
- ALEX Mill: Database Connection Setup > make a note of connection (you will want to change this back later)
- ALEX Mill: Database Connection Setup > Change the server path to .\SQLEXPRESS
- Run the ALEX 13/13.x update on the client. This will update the local “blank” database.
- Open ALEX Millennium
- Confirm a blank/old database exists (be 100% sure you are not still connected to the server!)
- Restore the backup (from step #1)
- Once the restore is complete, exit ALEX Millennium
- Attempt to upload the ALEX database from the Client computer
- Once the upload has completed, ALEX Mill: Database Connection Setup > Change the server back to the original path (noted is step 2)
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